Support for Introduction of Multiple Services for Hospitals “Cotocellar”

Introduce the innovative services to help hospitals drive work style reform, improve performance, and achieve operational efficiency.

Hospital DX

MC Healthcare Group help these issues!!

Promote hospital DX, medical DX, and work style reform for physicians

Compare and assess services that have been introduced in other hospitals

Learn more about DX cases from other hospitals

Gert the tips to start DX as a person in charge

To address increasing challenges such as physician work style reform, response to pandemic outbreaks, and difficult financial situations, we launched “Cotocellar” in 2020, which provides support for introducing variety of services for hospitals leveraging experiences in working closely hospitals through SPD, group purchasing, equipment procurement, and maintenance management. Through "Cotocellar," we support hospitals in reducing their workloads and increasing the time they can spend with patients by connecting them with the up-to-date services.