- MC Healthcare Group
- Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
Basic policy on the protection of personal information
We recognize the importance of handling personal information in the execution of our business activities, as well as our mission and responsibility in our business activities. In order to protect and manage personal information appropriately and with the utmost respect for each individual, we have established the following Privacy Policy (basic policy on the protection of personal information), and in addition to ensuring that all officers and employees understand this policy, we will comply with laws and other regulations regarding the protection of personal information and strive to properly and thoroughly manage the protection of personal information.
- Regarding the handling of our customer's "personal information"
- We treat information that can be used to identify an individual customer or that can be combined with other information as important "personal information" and take all possible measures to protect such information.
- Regarding the acquisition of personal information
- We will acquire personal information of customers only to the extent necessary for our business activities and in accordance with relevant laws, regulations, and internal rules. In addition, we will clearly state the purpose of use of any personal information we obtain from our customers, and we will do so under circumstances and by means that are recognizable to you.
- Regarding the purpose of use of personal information
- We will use your personal information to the extent necessary for various applications and procedures, provision of contracted services, consultation and response to inquiries, requests for cooperation in questionnaires and surveys, notices of sponsored events and information meetings, and information disclosure based on our Guidelines for Transparency in Relationships with Medical Institutions. We will not use the information for any other purposes without your consent.
- Regarding the use of personal information for other purposes and provision of personal information to third parties
- We will not use your personal information for purposes beyond the scope of the intended use or disclose or provide it to third parties, except with your consent or when legally required to do so.
- Regarding the shared use of personal information
- We strive to enhance the corporate value of the entire group by organically combining the management resources of each Group company to develop high-value-added services for our customers. Therefore, we would like to share personal information within the Group under strict control and supervision only when it is necessary within the following scope.
Please note that we may review the handling of shared use of personal information as necessary in the future. In such cases, we will make a public announcement in advance.
- Purpose of shared use
- Various applications and procedures
- Provision of contracted services
- Consultations and answers to inquiries
- Request for cooperation in surveys or questionnaires
- Information on sponsored events or briefings
- Disclosure of information in accordance with the Guidelines for Transparency in Relationships with Medical Institutions
- Scope of information to be shared
- All personal information items obtained by the Group companies may be shared, but only to the minimum extent necessary for the performance of the business operations as specified in the purpose of use. Individual Numbers will not be shared.
- Scope of companies with which the information will be shared
The information will be shared among the Group companies as set forth below.
- MC Healthcare Holdings, Inc.
- MC Healthcare, Inc.
- NHS Shizuoka, Inc.
- MC Medical, Inc.
- Person in charge of managing personal information to be shared
- Chief Compliance Officer
Click here for contact information
- Regarding outsourcing of operations
- In order to execute the purpose of use, we may entrust your personal information to an outsourcing company. In such cases, we will select an outsourcing company that adequately protects personal information, conclude a memorandum of understanding on the protection of personal information, and check the status of personal information handling as necessary.
- Regarding disclosure, correction, deletion, etc., or suspension of use of personal information
- If a customer requests disclosure of their personal information, or correction or deletion of errors in the content of their personal information, we will, in principle, respond promptly unless there is a special reason that prevents us from performing our business properly. Furthermore, if a customer personally requests us to stop using their personal information, we will stop using it immediately. Please note that in some cases, we may ask you to confirm your identity.
- Regarding continuous review, improvement, and update of personal information protection
- In addition to complying with laws, regulations, and other standards regarding the handling of personal information, we will continuously review and improve the content of this Privacy Policy. Furthermore, this policy may be updated from time to time in order to comply with changes in laws, regulations, and other norms.
- Personal Information Management Manager
- MC Healthcare Holdings, Inc.
Chief Compliance Officer
Please click here for inquiries regarding personal information