Health management and diversity initiatives

About health management

About our Health Management Declaration

MC Healthcare Group recognizes that the health of its employees is an important management issue and declares that it will promote health management that supports the health of its employees and their families under the corporate philosophy of "contribution to society, sustainable growth, and an aspirational corporate culture".
We believe that when our employees are healthy, both physically and mentally, and are able to maximize their individuality and abilities to play an active role and grow, it will lead to further evolution and realization of our vision, and the company and employees will work together to promote health.

Health and Productivity Management

MC Healthcare Group aims to be a company
that contributes to healthcare in Japan
by creating a healthy and aspirational work environment
in which each and every employee is committed to his or her own health
and leads a rewarding and productive life.

Obtained certification as an "Excellent Health Management Corporation 2024"

Continuing on from 2023, the Group has been certified as an “Excellent Corporation for Health Management 2024” by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) in the “large enterprise category". We will continue to promote health management and support a better work environment and healthier employees.

健康経営優良法人2024 Health and productivity

Health management that MC Healthcare Group aims to achieve

MC Healthcare Group is committed to promoting health management for the future and supporting a better work environment and healthier employees.

  • To ensure that all employees are in good health and can work productively, regardless of their age
  • To ensure that all employees are able to take an active role in addressing their own health issues
  • To ensure that all employees are committed to healthy behavior as a company engaged in medical care
  • To ensure that all employees and their family and friends are able to live healthy lives together
  • To ensure that employees with illnesses or disabilities are able to achieve self-fulfillment without excesses or deficiencies

Key initiatives

MC Healthcare Group will actively engage in prevention activities, health promotion, and employment support in the seven key initiatives.

  1. 1. Promotion of health awareness
  2. 2. Prevention and support for lifestyle-related diseases
  3. 3. Prevention and support for mental health
  4. 4. Measures and support for women's health
  5. 5. Support for quitting smoking
  6. 6. Prevention and support for cancer
  7. 7. Prevention and support of infectious diseases

Strategy map

MCHG Health Management Strategy Map 2022-2030

Development of organizational structure

Health management promotion system chart

Achievements in initiatives related to health management

MC Healthcare Group strives to formulate more effective health measures through regular monitoring of health conditions and living environments.

Disclosure of routine health checkup rates, etc.

FY Routine health checkup rate Stress check examination rate Percentage of high-stress individuals













Disclosure of presenteeism

Presenteeism*2 measured using the University of Tokyo 1 item version*1

FY Presenteeism Productivity loss ratio Number of persons measured Response rate











Diversity initiatives

Childcare support

We promote childcare support so that all employees can fully perform to their full potential by creating a comfortable work environment to achieve a work-life balance, aiming to balance work and childcare. In order to accept diverse work styles, various systems are in place, and we have achieved levels exceeding legal requirements with regard to "expansion of eligible age for shorter working hours (until before completion of the sixth grade of elementary school)" and "partially paid leave for childcare".

Initiatives to promote women's success in the workplace

The following initiatives are mainly implemented to promote women's activities so that female employees can fully demonstrate their individuality and abilities.
・Promotion of women to managerial positions
・Active recruitment of new female graduates
・Conversion of job classifications (employment management classifications) that contribute to the career advancement of female employees
・Conversion of non-permanent employees (contract and part-time employees) to permanent employees
・Conversion from temporary employment to full-time employment